root = exports ? this # Help with the placement of nodes RadialPlacement = () -> # stores the key -> location values values = # how much to separate each location by increment = 20 # how large to make the layout radius = 200 # where the center of the layout should be center = {"x":0, "y":0} # what angle to start at start = -120 current = start # Given an center point, angle, and radius length, # return a radial position for that angle radialLocation = (center, angle, radius) -> x = (center.x + radius * Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180)) y = (center.y + radius * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180)) {"x":x,"y":y} # Main entry point for RadialPlacement # Returns location for a particular key, # creating a new location if necessary. placement = (key) -> value = values.get(key) if !values.has(key) value = place(key) value # Gets a new location for input key place = (key) -> value = radialLocation(center, current, radius) values.set(key,value) current += increment value # Given a set of keys, perform some # magic to create a two ringed radial layout. # Expects radius, increment, and center to be set. # If there are a small number of keys, just make # one circle. setKeys = (keys) -> # start with an empty values values = # number of keys to go in first circle firstCircleCount = 360 / increment # if we don't have enough keys, modify increment # so that they all fit in one circle if keys.length < firstCircleCount increment = 360 / keys.length # set locations for inner circle firstCircleKeys = keys.slice(0,firstCircleCount) firstCircleKeys.forEach (k) -> place(k) # set locations for outer circle secondCircleKeys = keys.slice(firstCircleCount) # setup outer circle radius = radius + radius / 1.8 increment = 360 / secondCircleKeys.length secondCircleKeys.forEach (k) -> place(k) placement.keys = (_) -> if !arguments.length return d3.keys(values) setKeys(_) placement = (_) -> if !arguments.length return center center = _ placement placement.radius = (_) -> if !arguments.length return radius radius = _ placement placement.start = (_) -> if !arguments.length return start start = _ current = start placement placement.increment = (_) -> if !arguments.length return increment increment = _ placement return placement Network = () -> # variables we want to access # in multiple places of Network width = 960 height = 800 # allData will store the unfiltered data allData = [] curLinksData = [] curNodesData = [] linkedByIndex = {} # these will hold the svg groups for # accessing the nodes and links display nodesG = null linksG = null # these will point to the circles and lines # of the nodes and links node = null link = null # variables to refect the current settings # of the visualization layout = "force" filter = "all" sort = "songs" # groupCenters will store our radial layout for # the group by artist layout. groupCenters = null # our force directed layout force = d3.layout.force() # color function used to color nodes nodeColors = d3.scale.category20() # tooltip used to display details tooltip = Tooltip("vis-tooltip", 230) # charge used in artist layout charge = (node) -> -Math.pow(node.radius, 2.0) / 2 # Starting point for network visualization # Initializes visualization and starts force layout network = (selection, data) -> # format our data allData = setupData(data) # create our svg and groups vis ="svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height) linksG = vis.append("g").attr("id", "links") nodesG = vis.append("g").attr("id", "nodes") # setup the size of the force environment force.size([width, height]) setLayout("force") setFilter("all") # perform rendering and start force layout update() # The update() function performs the bulk of the # work to setup our visualization based on the # current layout/sort/filter. # # update() is called everytime a parameter changes # and the network needs to be reset. update = () -> # filter data to show based on current filter settings. curNodesData = filterNodes(allData.nodes) curLinksData = filterLinks(allData.links, curNodesData) # sort nodes based on current sort and update centers for # radial layout if layout == "radial" artists = sortedArtists(curNodesData, curLinksData) updateCenters(artists) # reset nodes in force layout force.nodes(curNodesData) # enter / exit for nodes updateNodes() # always show links in force layout if layout == "force" force.links(curLinksData) updateLinks() else # reset links so they do not interfere with # other layouts. updateLinks() will be called when # force is done animating. force.links([]) # if present, remove them from svg if link[]).exit().remove() link = null # start me up! force.start() # Public function to switch between layouts network.toggleLayout = (newLayout) -> force.stop() setLayout(newLayout) update() # Public function to switch between filter options network.toggleFilter = (newFilter) -> force.stop() setFilter(newFilter) update() # Public function to switch between sort options network.toggleSort = (newSort) -> force.stop() setSort(newSort) update() # Public function to update highlighted nodes # from search network.updateSearch = (searchTerm) -> searchRegEx = new RegExp(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) node.each (d) -> element = match = if searchTerm.length > 0 and match >= 0"fill", "#F38630") .style("stroke-width", 2.0) .style("stroke", "#555") d.searched = true else d.searched = false"fill", (d) -> nodeColors(d.artist)) .style("stroke-width", 1.0) network.updateData = (newData) -> allData = setupData(newData) link.remove() node.remove() update() # called once to clean up raw data and switch links to # point to node instances # Returns modified data setupData = (data) -> # initialize circle radius scale countExtent = d3.extent(data.nodes, (d) -> d.playcount) circleRadius = d3.scale.sqrt().range([3, 12]).domain(countExtent) data.nodes.forEach (n) -> # set initial x/y to values within the width/height # of the visualization n.x = randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*width) n.y = randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*height) # add radius to the node so we can use it later n.radius = circleRadius(n.playcount) # id's -> node objects nodesMap = mapNodes(data.nodes) # switch links to point to node objects instead of id's data.links.forEach (l) -> l.source = nodesMap.get(l.source) = nodesMap.get( # linkedByIndex is used for link sorting linkedByIndex["#{},#{}"] = 1 data # Helper function to map node id's to node objects. # Returns of ids -> nodes mapNodes = (nodes) -> nodesMap = nodes.forEach (n) -> nodesMap.set(, n) nodesMap # Helper function that returns an associative array # with counts of unique attr in nodes # attr is value stored in node, like 'artist' nodeCounts = (nodes, attr) -> counts = {} nodes.forEach (d) -> counts[d[attr]] ?= 0 counts[d[attr]] += 1 counts # Given two nodes a and b, returns true if # there is a link between them. # Uses linkedByIndex initialized in setupData neighboring = (a, b) -> linkedByIndex[ + "," +] or linkedByIndex[ + "," +] # Removes nodes from input array # based on current filter setting. # Returns array of nodes filterNodes = (allNodes) -> filteredNodes = allNodes if filter == "popular" or filter == "obscure" playcounts = -> d.playcount).sort(d3.ascending) cutoff = d3.quantile(playcounts, 0.5) filteredNodes = allNodes.filter (n) -> if filter == "popular" n.playcount > cutoff else if filter == "obscure" n.playcount <= cutoff filteredNodes # Returns array of artists sorted based on # current sorting method. sortedArtists = (nodes,links) -> artists = [] if sort == "links" counts = {} links.forEach (l) -> counts[l.source.artist] ?= 0 counts[l.source.artist] += 1 counts[] ?= 0 counts[] += 1 # add any missing artists that dont have any links nodes.forEach (n) -> counts[n.artist] ?= 0 # sort based on counts artists = d3.entries(counts).sort (a,b) -> b.value - a.value # get just names artists = (v) -> v.key else # sort artists by song count counts = nodeCounts(nodes, "artist") artists = d3.entries(counts).sort (a,b) -> b.value - a.value artists = (v) -> v.key artists updateCenters = (artists) -> if layout == "radial" groupCenters = RadialPlacement().center({"x":width/2, "y":height / 2 - 100}) .radius(300).increment(18).keys(artists) # Removes links from allLinks whose # source or target is not present in curNodes # Returns array of links filterLinks = (allLinks, curNodes) -> curNodes = mapNodes(curNodes) allLinks.filter (l) -> curNodes.get( and curNodes.get( # enter/exit display for nodes updateNodes = () -> node = nodesG.selectAll("circle.node") .data(curNodesData, (d) -> node.enter().append("circle") .attr("class", "node") .attr("cx", (d) -> d.x) .attr("cy", (d) -> d.y) .attr("r", (d) -> d.radius) .style("fill", (d) -> nodeColors(d.artist)) .style("stroke", (d) -> strokeFor(d)) .style("stroke-width", 1.0) node.on("mouseover", showDetails) .on("mouseout", hideDetails) node.exit().remove() # enter/exit display for links updateLinks = () -> link = linksG.selectAll("") .data(curLinksData, (d) -> "#{}_#{}") link.enter().append("line") .attr("class", "link") .attr("stroke", "#ddd") .attr("stroke-opacity", 0.8) .attr("x1", (d) -> d.source.x) .attr("y1", (d) -> d.source.y) .attr("x2", (d) -> .attr("y2", (d) -> link.exit().remove() # switches force to new layout parameters setLayout = (newLayout) -> layout = newLayout if layout == "force" force.on("tick", forceTick) .charge(-200) .linkDistance(50) else if layout == "radial" force.on("tick", radialTick) .charge(charge) # switches filter option to new filter setFilter = (newFilter) -> filter = newFilter # switches sort option to new sort setSort = (newSort) -> sort = newSort # tick function for force directed layout forceTick = (e) -> node .attr("cx", (d) -> d.x) .attr("cy", (d) -> d.y) link .attr("x1", (d) -> d.source.x) .attr("y1", (d) -> d.source.y) .attr("x2", (d) -> .attr("y2", (d) -> # tick function for radial layout radialTick = (e) -> node.each(moveToRadialLayout(e.alpha)) node .attr("cx", (d) -> d.x) .attr("cy", (d) -> d.y) if e.alpha < 0.03 force.stop() updateLinks() # Adjusts x/y for each node to # push them towards appropriate location. # Uses alpha to dampen effect over time. moveToRadialLayout = (alpha) -> k = alpha * 0.1 (d) -> centerNode = groupCenters(d.artist) d.x += (centerNode.x - d.x) * k d.y += (centerNode.y - d.y) * k # Helper function that returns stroke color for # particular node. strokeFor = (d) -> d3.rgb(nodeColors(d.artist)).darker().toString() # Mouseover tooltip function showDetails = (d,i) -> content = '

' + + '

' content += '
' content += '

' + d.artist + '

' tooltip.showTooltip(content,d3.event) # higlight connected links if link link.attr("stroke", (l) -> if l.source == d or == d then "#555" else "#ddd" ) .attr("stroke-opacity", (l) -> if l.source == d or == d then 1.0 else 0.5 ) # link.each (l) -> # if l.source == d or == d #"stroke", "#555") # highlight neighboring nodes # watch out - don't mess with node if search is currently matching"stroke", (n) -> if (n.searched or neighboring(d, n)) then "#555" else strokeFor(n)) .style("stroke-width", (n) -> if (n.searched or neighboring(d, n)) then 2.0 else 1.0) # highlight the node being moused over"stroke","black") .style("stroke-width", 2.0) # Mouseout function hideDetails = (d,i) -> tooltip.hideTooltip() # watch out - don't mess with node if search is currently matching"stroke", (n) -> if !n.searched then strokeFor(n) else "#555") .style("stroke-width", (n) -> if !n.searched then 1.0 else 2.0) if link link.attr("stroke", "#ddd") .attr("stroke-opacity", 0.8) # Final act of Network() function is to return the inner 'network()' function. return network # Activate selector button activate = (group, link) -> d3.selectAll("##{group} a").classed("active", false)"##{group} ##{link}").classed("active", true) $ -> myNetwork = Network() d3.selectAll("#layouts a").on "click", (d) -> newLayout ="id") activate("layouts", newLayout) myNetwork.toggleLayout(newLayout) d3.selectAll("#filters a").on "click", (d) -> newFilter ="id") activate("filters", newFilter) myNetwork.toggleFilter(newFilter) d3.selectAll("#sorts a").on "click", (d) -> newSort ="id") activate("sorts", newSort) myNetwork.toggleSort(newSort) $("#song_select").on "change", (e) -> songFile = $(this).val() d3.json "data/#{songFile}", (json) -> myNetwork.updateData(json) $("#search").keyup () -> searchTerm = $(this).val() myNetwork.updateSearch(searchTerm) d3.json "data/call_me_al.json", (json) -> myNetwork("#vis", json)